Tuesday, May 15, 2012

Is Journalism in Kenya a profession or a craft?*

The just ended East African journalists’ convention at the Kenyatta International Conference Centre was an eye opener in more than one way. It brought into the fore the hard realities of semantic differences in interpreting vital terminologies in the profession between the traditional adversaries in journalism. This time the tug of war rope was the term journalism itself. Does it signify a profession, a trade or a craft?

On one end of the rope were qualified practitioners backed by academics and some lawyers who believed journalism in Kenya ought to be, if indeed it isn’t already, a profession. They strongly argued that if journalism in the region wasn’t a profession then the process of professionalizing it legally ought to have started ages ago. On the other end of the rope were believers in keeping journalism as a craft for fear of introducing regulations to professionalize it with the danger of controlling its practice.

The convention came to an end without the two seeing eye to eye. To give the subject room for further debate I believe the first step to be taken must be defining what a profession is. The best definition of a profession as far as journalism is concerned is, in my opinion, from my good friend Michael Kunczik , a Journalism Professor at the Johannes Good Mountain University Mainz in Germany with whom I co-authored the book “Ethics in Journalism: A reader on their perception in the Third World”. He says a profession is a vocation or an occupation that requires special skills that are based on theoretical foundations which are acquired through systematic training and then tested in a special professional examination which regulates entry into the profession whose members are bound by a Code of Ethics through a legally constituted professional organisation.

I believe we can put journalism in Kenya under a microscope of ten pertinent questions which should then reveal to us whether the fourth estate in this country is manned by people we can correctly describe as professionals. The first question is: Does journalism as a vocation require special skills? The fact of the matter is that whether one is in the print or electronic media he or she cannot survive in Kenya’s vibrant journalism without mastering  many special skills needed in news gathering, writing, editing and  presenting through various media.

The second question is whether the skills used in journalism are based on theoretical foundations. The truth is  modern journalism is  based on strict theoretical foundation based on writing skills, interviewing techniques, ethical principles and a lot of  knowledge of media law. Do these qualify to be described as theoretical foundations? In my view, yes. The third question is whether these skills are acquired through special training.

Anyone who has gone through a reputable school of journalism will tell you that training in journalism is becoming very special both in its introductory level and in its various areas of specialisation in both the print and electronic fields including online journalism. New innovations have made the training both more technical and challenging. The fourth question is whether journalism is tested through special professional examinations. The answer to that is, without a doubt, yes.

Again anyone who has been to any journalism school worth its salt will tell you for nothing that to get a degree in journalism one has to pass professional examinations at university level which are set after thorough moderations by professors who examine whether they are of the required degree acceptable levels which may include research and projects as well as hands-on assignments. The fifth question is whether journalism university exams regulate the entry into the profession. The answer to that is unfortunately no.

 The fact of the matter is that in Kenya, like in all other East African countries represented at the convention which included Uganda, Tanzania, Rwanda, Burundi and Southern Sudan, it is only the proprietors who determine the entry into the profession through unilateral methods of closed shop system in reverse. The tough question is: Does this domination and control by proprietors need re-examination?

The sixth question is whether the manner in which journalists enter the profession is regulated by law at least as far as Kenya is concerned. Section Two of Kenya’s The Media Act of 2007 defines a journalist as any  person who holds a diploma or a degree in mass communication from a recognized institution of higher learning and is recognized as such by the Media Council, or any   other person who was practicing as a journalist immediately before the commencement of the Media Act, or who  holds such other qualifications as are recognized by the Council, and earns a living from the practice of journalism, or any  person who habitually engages in the practice of journalism and is recognized as such by the Council.

It can be argued that that legal definition of a journalist in Kenya does, for all practical purposes, professionalize journalism. The seventh question is whether a professional organisation for journalists exits in Kenya.  It so happens that members of the fourth estate in this country have belonged to many different, and sometime adversarial, organisations which include the  Kenya Union of Journalists , Media Owners' Association, Editor’s Guild,  Kenya Correspondent Association, Media NGOs, Media Training Institutions, Public Media and the   Alternative Press, among others.

In 1993, when the then Attorney General Amos Wako threatened to come up with a code of ethics for journalists, all these otherwise confrontational organisations joined hands to form a Media Industry Steering Committee which was instrumental in the formation of the first self-regulating and independent Media Council which framed up the existing code of conduct. The question is: Can the present shape and structure of the Media Council pass for a professional organisation for journalists?

The eighth question is whether a functioning and acceptable Code of Ethics exists for the journalism profession in Kenya? The Second Schedule of the Media Act of 2007 talks of CODE OF CONDUCT FOR THE PRACTICE OF JOURNALISM. Was there a deliberate avoidance of the use of the term “ETHICS”? There are known editors in this country who are opposed to professionalization and are against the term “ethics”. They give it its philosophical, rather than professional, meaning. Be that as it may the Code lists 25 principles as part of the law. Is there room for the improvement of this code?

The ninth question is whether the Media Council adequately fulfils its mandate as a professional body? The answer to that is to be found in the Act which says its functions are to mediate or arbitrate in disputes between the government and the media, between the public and the media and intramedia; and to promote and protect freedom and independence of the media. It also says that among its important duties is to promote high professional standards amongst journalists; and enhance professional collaboration among media practitioners.

Essentially these are duties of a professional organisation and the law also says that the Council’s functions will include promoting ethical standards among journalists and in the media; and ensuring the protection of the rights and privileges of journalists in the performance of their duties. It also says that the Council will be expected to advise the government or the relevant regulatory authority on matters pertaining to professional, education and the training of journalists and other media practitioners. These are normally the functions of a proper professional institution.

While examining this specific question journalism scholars always ask whether the law on recommendations on employment criteria is strong enough or whether it needs reinforcement so as to professionalize journalism properly in Kenya. Whatever the case may be the law says the Council’s duty is to make recommendations on the employment criteria for journalists. The law also says the Council shall uphold and maintain the ethics and discipline of journalists as set out in the Act and any other relevant law.

It also says the Council shall do all matters that appertain to the effective implementation of the Act by compiling and maintaining a register of journalists, media enterprises and such other related registers as it may deem fit. It also gives the Council powers to conduct an annual review of the performance and the general public opinion of the media, and publish the results in at least two local newspapers. With this kind of law in existence in Kenya it is hard not to accept the fact that journalism has been professionalized in this country.

The tenth and last question to ask is: What does the Constitution say about journalism in Kenya? The simple answer to that question is that apart from Article 33 which deals with Freedom of Expression, Article 34 of the Constitution protects freedom of the Media and Article 35 guarantees Access to information. But it is Article 34 of the Constitution which can be said to be referring to professionalization by stating that Parliament shall enact legislation that provides for the establishment of a body, which shall be independent of control by government, political interests or commercial interests; and which shall reflect the interests of all sections of the society; and set media standards and regulate and monitor compliance with those standards.

When all is said and done this part of the Constitution is indeed talking about the Media Council. But despite the recommendation by the Constitution there are still some very strong forces opposed to the professionalization of journalism in Kenya which leads me to pose yet another question: What interest groups normally oppose the professionalization of journalism? In general there are three groups which can be categorized as powerful proprietors, despotic Governments and untrained practitioners derogatorily called “quacks” in the journalistic fraternity.

The most provocative, may be even controversial, question to ask is whether in Kenya we have proprietors who unilaterally determine entry into journalism because of their sole powers to hire and fire. Arguably some of them go as far as interfering with the ethical principle of INDEPENDENCE in editorial decision making process. Naturally professionalization would change all that. In the UK the most notorious proprietor is Rupert Murdoch whose “News of The World” closed down in July last year for lack of professionalism in adhering to ethical standards.

If journalistic professionalism can be measured at all then three yardsticks seem to be most appropriate. The most obvious of these are the nuts and bolts of news gathering, editing and dissemination without which journalism would exist. Secondly professionalism can be measured by practitioners’ ethical standards. Unethical journalists, like those who worked for Murdoch’s “News of the World” cannot be considered to be professionally upright. Thirdly professionalism can be measured through training with those without any considered to be less professional. 

After publishing for 168 years the “News of The World” was exposed by The Guardian as telephone hackers – an extremely unprofessional thing to be. Its victims included the Royal Family, celebrities, family members of crime victims and families of soldiers killed in Iraq and Afghanistan. This is despite the fact that Britain has a fairly reputable Press Complaints Commission, which in this case had failed to guide journalists at NoW. Could the mess at the British paper have been avoided if journalism had been professionalized in that country?

The second group opposed to professionalization of journalism in Kenya is made up of untrained journalists who see the process either as making them lose their jobs or taking them back to school to acquire the minimum required qualifications. Needless to say even with professionalization citizen journalists will still have a role to play in social media through the blogosphere, podcasts and twitters.

The third group opposed to professionalization of journalism includes despotic governments eager to muzzle the media without real professionals independently establishing a proper fourth estate. In Kenya when the Media Act was first drafted in 2007 by the Government an attempt was made to introduce a section that would compel journalists to disclose sources of their information. This led to hundreds of journalists marching silently through Nairobi streets to condemn the proposed section of the law. The international community including Article 19 condemned the authorities in Kenya for trying to take the country back to the Moi dictatorship.

The journalists, drawn from all media houses in the country, also presented a petition to the then Head of Public Service and Secretary to the Cabinet, Mr Francis Muthaura. They were petitioning President Kibaki not to assent to the Media Bill. The Bill had to be changed quite drastically before it was published into the current law which establishes journalism as a profession in this country.

*A shorter version of this article was first published by The Star newspaper of 14th May 2012

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